Prekking: Trekking + Collecting garbage

Causes Supported

1. Environment

2. Empowerment

3. Education

4. Health

Sustainable Development GOALS

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 17: Partnerships

Campaign Details

Nature is a gift that provides us with beauty, serenity, and a sense of wonder. However, the increasing pollution and littering in our natural landscapes pose a significant threat to our environment and ecosystems. At Upasana Society NGO, we believe in the power of collective action to protect our planet. That’s why we have launched the “Prekking” campaign—an innovative initiative that combines trekking with collecting garbage to preserve and restore the pristine beauty of our natural spaces.

The Challenge

Popular trekking destinations and nature trails often suffer from littering and pollution caused by irresponsible human activities. Trash left behind by visitors not only disrupts the delicate balance of ecosystems but also poses a threat to wildlife and natural habitats. Addressing this challenge is crucial to ensure the sustainability and preservation of our natural environments.

The Vision

The Prekking campaign envisions a future where trekking enthusiasts and nature lovers actively contribute to the conservation of our natural spaces. We aim to foster a sense of responsibility, raise awareness about environmental preservation, and inspire a collective commitment to maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of our trails and scenic spots.

How It Works

The Prekking campaign combines two elements—trekking and collecting garbage—to create a powerful movement for environmental conservation. Here’s how it works:

  1. Organized Prekking Events: Upasana Society NGO organizes prekking events at popular trekking destinations and nature trails. These events bring together volunteers, nature enthusiasts, and local communities to engage in a joint effort to clean up the trails while enjoying the natural beauty around them.
  2. Garbage Collection: During prekking events, participants are equipped with gloves, trash bags, and other necessary tools. As they trek along the trails, they collect litter and garbage that have accumulated over time. The collected waste is properly segregated and disposed of in an eco-friendly manner.
  3. Environmental Education: Along with garbage collection, the Prekking campaign also emphasizes environmental education and awareness. Expert guides and volunteers educate participants about the importance of preserving our natural spaces, the impact of littering, and sustainable practices for outdoor activities.
  4. Community Engagement: The campaign extends beyond organized events by actively engaging local communities and stakeholders. We collaborate with authorities, tourism boards, and local organizations to create sustainable waste management systems, promote responsible tourism, and ensure the long-term cleanliness of the trekking trails.
  5. Empowerment: The cloth bags utilized in the Prekking campaign are crafted by the same individuals who participate in the Sui Dhaga Aur Kapda campaign, thereby empowering them through consistent employment opportunities.

How You Can Contribute

You can actively contribute to the Prekking campaign and make a tangible impact on the preservation of our natural environments. Here are a few ways to get involved:

  1. Participate: Join our organized Prekking events and actively participate in the campaign. Engage in garbage collection, spread awareness about environmental conservation, and inspire others to adopt responsible practices while enjoying nature.  We  charge a small fee from the participants of the Prekking campaign.
  2. Volunteer: Become a dedicated volunteer for the Prekking campaign. Assist in organizing events, coordinating logistics, educating participants, or contributing your skills in waste management and environmental sustainability.
  3. Spread the Word: Raise awareness about the Prekking campaign and the importance of responsible trekking. Utilize social media platforms, organize community awareness programs, or initiate discussions to encourage individuals and communities to take part in preserving our natural spaces.
  4. Support: Provide financial support or in-kind donations to facilitate the organization of Prekking events, ensure the availability of necessary equipment, and promote educational materials for environmental awareness.

Join the Prekking Campaign Today

By joining the Prekking campaign by Upasana Society NGO, you become a champion for environmental conservation and a steward of our natural spaces. When you become a part of Upasana Society NGO’s Prekking campaign, you step into the role of an environmental conservation champion and a guardian of our natural landscapes. Together, we hold the power to create a substantial impact in safeguarding the beauty and vitality of our environment.

The Impact of #Prekking

The impact of the Prekking Campaign extends far beyond cleaner trekking trails. It has sparked a shift in mindset, fostering a culture of responsible trekking and environmental consciousness. Through our efforts, we’ve not only removed tons of trash from pristine natural settings but also inspired trekkers to become stewards of these environments. Moreover, by supporting local communities through initiatives like “Sui Dhaga Aur Kapda,” we’ve empowered women and contributed to sustainable livelihoods. The Prekking Campaign’s ripple effect continues to leave a positive mark on both nature and society.

19 0

Kgs of Waste Collected



5000 0

Funds Collected

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