Sui Dhaga Aur Kapda Campaign Dahanu
Clothes Collection Drive:
On November 1st, 2020, Upasana Society NGO initiated a remarkable campaign by collecting over 2500 kg of old clothes from societies in Mulund, Andheri, Kandivali, Goregoan, and Borivali.
Tribal Outreach:
Taking our commitment further, on November 3rd, 2020, we distributed these collected clothes to tribal settlements in Dahanu, benefiting over 350 tribals, including men, women, and children. Our initiative was accompanied by refreshments for the kids.
The campaign encompasses:
- Clothes Gathering Initiative
- Sorting of Collected Clothes
- Distribution of Donated Clothes
- Identifying Individuals with Sewing Skills or Machines
- Fundraising for Sewing Machines, Training, and Logistics
- Allocation of Sewing Machines post Fund Collection
- Imparting Sewing Skills through Training
- Creating a Roster of Empowered Individuals based on Skills
- Compensating Empowered Individuals for Produced Items
- Distribution/Sale of Cloth Bags in Urban Areas to Minimize Single-Use Plastic Waste
Volunteer Engagement:
With the dedicated participation of numerous volunteers, we successfully gathered, sorted, and efficiently distributed the clothes. Their collective effort amplified the impact of the campaign.
Recycling and Empowerment:
The #SuiDhagaAurKapda Campaign served a dual purpose of recycling and empowerment. The distributed clothes contributed to sustainable practices, while we’re utilizing remaining materials to empower tribals by training them in creating cloth bags.
Reducing Plastic Waste:
Our vision extends beyond just clothes distribution. We’re raising funds to provide sewing machines and training to tribals for crafting cloth bags. These bags will replace single-use plastic bags, thereby reducing plastic waste in the city.
Special Thanks:
Special Thanks to all the volunteers and Mr. Saurabh Kashalkar & Ms. Dipti Kashalkar for their support to manage the event
Join the Cause:
Be part of this impactful campaign and make a difference. By contributing to the #SuiDhagaAurKapda Campaign, you’ll not only aid those in need but also contribute to a greener planet. Note that we collect clothes at the society level due to logistics, and pickups are arranged once transport funds are secured.