Empowering Sustainable Menstruation: #PeriodCupCause Donation Drive for Kotabi Dahanu Tribal Kids

Our recent #PeriodCupCause donation drive for Kotabi Dahanu tribal kids was a huge success! We visited the school and donated menstrual cups to the teachers and 10-15 girls who were in need of sustainable menstrual hygiene solutions.

In this video, we document our journey and show how the donation drive made a difference in the lives of these girls. We also highlight the importance of sustainable menstrual hygiene and the benefits of using menstrual cups.

We believe that by empowering and educating more people about sustainable menstrual hygiene, we can break the stigma around periods and promote a more sustainable future.

Join us in this movement towards a better future and embrace the #PeriodCupCause for sustainable menstruation.